Dr Michelle Duggan, Membership Examination, Chairperson

I wish to acknowledge the hard work of all the assessment leads- Dr Suzanne Cronly, Dr Caitriona Murphy, Dr Edel Duggan, Dr Adriana Nizam and Dr Peter Hooker.
Dr Leo Kevin completed his term as chair of the membership exam in January 2021 and I have replaced him in this role. I have been an examiner for the membership exam for 15 years and the assessment lead for the MTF questions for a number of years. I’m very much looking forward to this challenge. Leo contributed a huge amount to the exam, writing new exams questions, formatting older questions and organising the content for the exam in the new IT system. I hope I can continue his work ensuring that the membership exam remains valid and reliable
Dr Kevin also successfully steered us through the first online exam in Autumn 2020 that was necessitated by the pandemic. The Spring 2021 MCAI exam was also conducted online. This was my first exam as chair and the team at the College of Anaesthesiology led by Ruth made everything run seamlessly.
The current exam with MCQ’s, CRQ’s and VSAQ’s (constructed response questions and very short answer questions) requires a lot of preparation and I wish to acknowledge the hard work of all the assessment leads- Dr Suzanne Cronly, Dr Caitriona Murphy, Dr Edel Duggan, Dr Adriana Nizam and Dr Peter Hooker.
I have always enjoyed being an examiner as it keeps me up to date on the academic side as well as the social aspect of the exam days catching up with colleagues.
I also wish to thank Dr Gareth Morrison who assesses the quality of the exam and completes all metrics for the exams. Thank you to the examiners who write exam questions, help with standard setting prior to the exam as well as marking the papers.
I have always enjoyed being an examiner as it keeps me up to date on the academic side as well as the social aspect of the exam days catching up with colleagues. Hopefully we will be back to the traditional exam and meeting in person in 2022.
Dr Michelle Duggan