Exams Update

By Ruth Flaherty
CAI Exams Manager
Professor David Honan’s term of office as Chairperson of Examinations Committee has come to an end and we are delighted to announce Professor Michael Griffin as incoming Chairperson. Dr Louise Moran has been appointed Chairperson Final Fellowship Exam. On the 4th September the CAI ran an examiner training webinair in conjunction with CANECSA. We had over 100 attendees from all over Southern, Eastern and Central Africa. Thanks to all our speakers, Dr Deirdre McCoy, Dr Gareth Morrison, Dr Helena McKeague and Dr Leo Kevin. The JFICMI Clinical examination took place at the end of September after being postponed last May due to the pandemic. The clinical cases took place across 3 sites St James’, St Vincents and the Mater Hospitals. The orals took place in the afternoon in the Nurse Education Centres in both the Mater and St Vincents Hospitals Congratulations to all 11 candidates were successful on this occasion. Since our last newsletter over 200 candidates worldwide have now sat our written examinations online, MCAI, FCAI and ICM. The dept has worked hard to be able to hold both our MCAI OSCE and Final clinical exams in an online format next month and we thank the Assessment leads for their commitment and dedication in preparing all the exam material in this new format in such a short timeframe.

First online examinations FJFICMI August 2020