Introducing our new Chair of Safety and Quality Committee and Director of PS and QI
Our College has a long tradition of promoting excellence in patient safety, in the fields of anaesthesiology, perioperative, intensive care and pain medicine. We are proud that we are seen as leaders in this area across Irish healthcare. On behalf of our entire community, I would like to welcome Prof Terry Tan and Dr Brian McCloskey as they assume their new roles in the College as Chair of the Quality and Patient Safety Advisory Committee, and Director of Quality and Patient Safety respectively. Our Strategy 2019-24 spells out an ambitious but achievable “roadmap” relating to patient safety including enhanced education and training in the area. We are fortunate to have such leaders as Prof Tan and Dr McCloskey as we take on these challenges.

Prof Terry Tan
Prof Tan is a consultant anaesthesiologist at the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital, and St James’s Hospital, Dublin, Associate Clinical Professor at University College Dublin, and Senior Clinical Lecturer at Trinity College Dublin. As well as extensive experience as an obstetric anaesthesiologist, he has lectured nationally and internationally on topics such as obesity in pregnancy and the use of ultrasound in obstetric anaesthesia.

Dr Brian McCloskey
Dr Brian McCloskey who took up his CAI role on July 1, 2022 has served as Clinical Director, Critical Care Services and Consultant in Anaesthetics & Intensive Care Medicine at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust where he has led the rollout of an extensive Quality Improvement education programme. Dr McCloskey has long been seen as an effective patient safety advocate across Northern Ireland.
For our College and on behalf of the many patients who have benefited for their efforts, I would like to acknowledge the consistently excellent work of Drs Barry Lyons and Deirdre McCoy who fulfilled these critical roles until recently. They and many others who have served on the QPS Advisory Committee of the College have put solid foundations in place - with Dr McCloskey and Prof Tan in post, we now have a collective responsibility to build on them.
Prof George Shorten
The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland