President Welcome
Dear Colleague, During 2022, our College has undertaken a systematic “refresh” of our Strategy (2019-24). This has entailed questioning assumptions and challenging the entire College community to act in a practical and effective way on those areas we deem to be priorities. The continual enhancement of our examinations remains a priority objective: this year has seen the Examinations Committee and Department develop a revised set of regulations to meet the changing format(s) and circumstances in which we offer exams. It is now a College responsibility to ensure that these new regulations are communicated to all those who will undertake our exams or are considering doing so.
As we become increasingly dependent on technology across many of our activities, opportunities will arise to enhance the use to which we put exam – related data. Using sound ethical principles and ensuring respect for individual privacy, the College will endeavour to understand and share insights into exam preparation and performance, as well as improving the experience of undertaking a high stakes formal assessment of professional expertise.
Our Examiners are the heartbeat and engine of how our College functions.
Our Examiners are the heartbeat and engine of how our College functions. As we continue to improve the quality of our exams, the role of examiner has expanded to include question design and writing, standard setting and ongoing review. On behalf of our Fellows, colleagues, trainees and prospective trainees I would like to express our gratitude to our Examiners who give freely of their time, effort and expertise. Without you, we could not function as a Training Body. The Examinations Committee will ensure that the training offered to Examiners is sufficient and inclusive. As we look to develop further international examination centres which offer all elements of our MCAI and FCAI exams, the priority will be to ensure consistency in delivery and quality. This will do more than provide our candidates with choice of venue; it will augment the reputation of the College as a leader in professional education.
On behalf of the entire College community, I would like to express our gratitude to Professor Michael Griffin, the members of the CAI Examinations Committee and to Ms Ruth Flaherty and her colleagues in the Examinations Department. Although much of the work required to maintain their delivery is unseen, the College exams remain a source of great pride to our Fellows, and a significant professional milestone to those who aspire to become Fellows.
Professor George Shorten
President , CAI